
Driving along in my automobile...

It took a minute for us to realise what was beside us because as time goes on we aren't noticing the "odd and unusual"so much as we sit in Delhi traffic. We thought this bare bones Semi truck and trailer was pretty out there though!
Speaking of unusual... we have seen about 10 elephants sauntering down the road. They're still a highlight everytime. Basically, anything with wheels plus horses, water buffalo & elephants are allowed on the road. Cows have a free ticket anywhere and even take naps in the middle of the road.

It's pretty crazy during rush hour here. Massive buses don't make full stops most of the time so people are jumping off or running and jumping on when it slows down for a red light. Motorbikes and scooters carry 1 or two adults and then another 3 children if it's a family outing. We've seen a few children about 1 or 2 years old draped over the gas tank of a motorbike fast asleep while Dad weaves in and out and squeezes between auto rickshaws and buses. Not only do motorbikes get loaded up with people but so do bicycles- sometimes three adult men will pile on a bike and pedal through traffic. Bicycles are also used by letter couriers and to deliver large tanks of cooking gas in large cylinders. Bicycle rickshaws transport people and much more. Carpets, tires, pipes, gas tanks, etc. are packed on. Another "vehicle" on the road is the old,wooden carts. They are as wide and long as a compact car, set on 2 or 4 large bicycle tires, and usually being pushed by a very old man or loaded down with 1000 malemine (sp.?) plates from last night's wedding being taken to get washed. No matter what they're carrying it is always heavy and awkward. Considering all these factors it's quite amazing that there isn't more road rage and major accidents when everyone "sifts" into every open space like sand in an hour glass.


Unknown said...

Does this make you wonder what they would find odd about our traffic? Because I do not drive much in rush hour traffic, I am not good at it and the other drivers often let me know!
While you are there will you please look up children's books. I would like a title or two or at least a children's author. This summer while I am teaching summer school I would like to highlight children's books from around the world. Thanks a lot.
We enjoyed Nesta's visit and are looking forward to seeing you and your family. Love and miss all of you very much. Aunt Lauren

4Four said...

hi guys, great blog - you've managed to keep us pretty up to date on your goings on over there. Loved all your pics - can you believe it's almost been 3 months? Bless you as you enjoy your last few days and get ready to come home. May your trip home be uneventful!

4Four said...

ha, by the way, that last comment was from us (Rob and Liz!)