
Keon's New Car

We went to a shopping mall this weekend and Keon found his new favorite car. It was on display for a give away for a major Credit Card company (no cheap advertising here). Every store in the mall had a small version of the car on display also. Keon tried almost everyone of them to see if they would give it to him. He kept saying, "I really like it!". Me to son. I probably thought that he has gotten so many gifts from people throughout this trip that they would surely give him the car.
Shopping malls are similar in many ways. Many over priced stores with little to choose from. All of the major name brands are here. For the Canadians, it was odd to see Aldo's shoes and Accessory stores and La Senza. Coffee is still cheap though. That makes the trip worth it. The mall is new and some store are not open yet. We went into a coffee shop that was so new, they did not know how much they were going to sell their coffee mugs for. I should have tried the Indian negotiating with them, but I passed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sean, Your Mom and I are at Grandma Barbara's. Today Uncle Curt turns 40!!!! We set-up a gmail account for grandma so she can comment on here - provided she can figure it out after I leave.lol
Hope you have a good day. Aunt Lauren