
Winter Chill

Northern India and the surrounding area is under a not so normal winter. We have been breaking recond lows almost every night since we arrived. It has been between 5C and even 0C one night. Not to bad compared to the -50C in Alberta and the snow storms in MO, but remember we live in a marble house with no insulation or heat. Not bad, but does make you keep your socks on at night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like you took the US weather with you. Aunt Connie, your mom, and I were supposed to meet Grandma Barbara for lunch on Thursday. The weather men said we were in for the biggest snow storm this season...we cancelled lunch...a few flakes fell from the sky!
Yesterday I discovered you can customize Google. Others may have known this for years. But at least I can still entertain myself. Anyway, I found a world clock to add. I have one set for Furlong Time (India) and the other for Home Time. This way I can keep track of what time it is where you are.
Tuck has been home sick from school since Wednesday. He has a combination of a cold and the flu. Hope all you get over your colds quickly.
What is a traditional India breakfast? Sounds like Keon is a bread eater like the rest of the family.
Give each other kisses for me.
I love you all. Aunt Lauren