
Indian Restaurant Supply and Honey Money

Yesterday I, Lisa, went to “The Butler”, a restaurant supply place with Anna. It was fun, having been to one a few times in Canada with my Dad. In all reality it was much the same… except for the Indian labor force. There were about 4 too many people working there. We’d barely turn around and there’s yet another employee. One guy to offer you a glass of water, two to pull stock from storage, one to show you every possible option in chocolate molds, one to fill out the bill, one to run for a plastic bag clear at the other end of the store from the “check out” and the manager to “direct traffic” so to speak as everyone runs around to serve the customer. Russell Foods has nothing on The Butler!
Later we went to the “Honey Money Top” grocery store. In most grocery stores back home you could run yourself ragged tracking down a produce clerk. Not in India! The produce clerks here are waiting for you to tell them what you want and then they run around and get it for you. It’s always fun to see grocery stores in other countries. You can get pretty much anything here (for a price, of course).
India is probably the most “westernized” country I’ve been too. Up in the North where we are many people speak English, making life a lot easier for the short-termer. Even still there are huge cultural differences and many “new” experiences just waiting to be had!


jace anderson said...

great post!
keep those new experiences in mind when you get in front of the interweb...
read you soon!

Unknown said...

WOW! Brian would fall in love with a grocery store like that. Right now it is all I can do to keep him awake in the store, or to find him and the cart every time they run off. Tuck is going to WOW this weekend in Springfield. The Missouri Annual Conference of United Methodist put on this weekend thingy every year. On to your next post.