
Tired, Hungry, and Power Outages

We finally arrived after who knows how many hours. The first flight the boys slept well and Lisa and I got a few minutes here and there. Once we arrived at Heathrow we checked in our luggage for the next flight, but we forgot one of the bags at baggage claim and lost an hour of sleep at the hotel. The room was tight, but we all got at least four hours of sleep. Back at the airport we had a relaxing English breakfast (scrambled eggs, sausage, back bacon, beans, toast, and a roasted tomato). Levi took a little spill and cut the inside of his mouth; blood all over. After getting him calmed down and cleaned up we boarded our plane. The second flight we had bulkhead seats. Lots of leg room, kind of. The cool thing was that after take off, Levi was hooked to the wall in a carseat and slept the whole way. Keon, Lisa, and Sean enjoyed personal tvs and a HUGE variety of movies and cartoons to choose from. Yay Virgin Atlantic Airlines! Once we landed we had to wait in line for another hour or more to get to our luggage, join the mob slowly moving through immigration and find Dave and Anna. Keon fell asleep while we waitied in line and would continue to sleep until 4AM the next morning. About 15 hours straight… wouldn’t even wake up for ice cream! When he did wake up he ate five pieces of Red Moon Bakery multi-grain bread, a banana, an orange, one glass of milk, and two glasses of water; he hadn’t eaten much on the plane from London. Keon missed out on the crazy traffic and lots of cows on the hour trip to our new home. Our apartment here makes our apartment in Turner Valley look like a closet. We have lots of space for the kids to run and play and it is all open enough that we can see them from just about every room. Our neighborhood is different. The mountains here are apartment buildings, the wind blowing around is the sound of the call to prayer from the Mosques and honking horns. I was not sure who the man was honking at at 5AM, but it must have been necessary. We are all having a great time. Adjusting to our new clocks has been the most difficult thing so far. I got to experience shaving in the dark with a pan of water I heated on the stove. The power went out as soon as I started the hot water heater to take a shower. I must go so I can shower before it happens again.


Brent and Tawm said...

good to hear you made it safely... look forward to hearing about your adventures. We're just a hop, skip and jump away now!

Laura P said...

ah! you're there! take care! i'll try to read all your stories but i have a great habbit of forgetting blogger posts for 2 months, so by your 3rd month i'll remember to check it and read all the stories in one day, post a million comments and your internet will crash and you'll never know what i said until you get back here. oh well. take care.

Unknown said...

So glad to hear you are safe. Alex gave me your information knowing I was anxious to see how you are. I just recently learned how to blog (forgive me, I am older!) and am looking forward to reading and commenting. Bless the people who figured out this modern technology so that I can read about your family adventures from so far away! Hug and kiss each other for me. Aunt Lauren

Unknown said...

YAY! I am so glad you guys made it! I saw some new pictures of the boys. They are so precious. I am praying for you guys. I miss you and I love you.
